Wednesday, May 14, 2014

485 - Mental Struggle

I HAVE to be eating more calories than I am NEEDING!!!  If I can consume nearly 4,000 calories a day as my BMR, and it takes an additional 3,500 calories to gain a pound, and (I know...this is a run-on sentence!) I gain 3 pounds in one day, then that means I would have had to consume 14,500 calories in 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!  That is NOT POSSIBLE!!!  Unless, my math is off or I'm retaining water or there are more calories in spaghetti squash than I thought!  I don't get it.

And at this point, the gain is so discouraging, I am feeling the temptation to give up and cheat.  Why kill myself, deprive myself, if deprivation is gonna cause weight gain.  I hate it! 

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